Tips for Buying Animals Online

With the rise of online shopping, it’s becoming easier and more convenient to buy animals from the comfort of our own homes. But just like with any online purchase, scams are a real concern. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to avoid getting scammed when buying an animal online – but knowing what to look for can help you spot potential red flags. Here are some tips and tricks to help you stay safe when shopping for animals online.

Research Before Buying
Before buying anything, it’s essential to do your research. Look up the animal that you’re interested in and make sure that it is legal in your area (if not, the seller may be trying to scam you). Also, research the breed or species to ensure that it is right for your needs. Finally, read reviews about sellers so that you know what kind of experience other buyers have had in the past. The more information you have on hand before making a purchase, the better!

Trust Your Instincts
If something doesn’t feel right during the process of buying an animal online, trust your instincts and walk away from the deal. This could mean anything from feeling uncertain about a seller or feeling like they are pushing too hard for a sale—these feelings should be taken seriously and should not be ignored. Additionally, if a seller tries to pressure you into paying for something before it has been delivered or received by you personally then this is also a huge red flag and should immediately raise suspicion.

Be Wary of Unusual Payment Methods
Scammers often use unusual payment methods such as wire transfers or gift cards in order to get your money without leaving any traceable evidence behind them. When purchasing an animal online make sure that you only use secure payments methods such as PayPal or credit cards with buyer protection policies in place. This will ensure that if something does go wrong with your purchase then at least you will have some form of recourse available to get your money back if needed. Some breeders will ask for PayPal funds to be sent via Friends & Family, as of 2022, PayPal is cutting down on this being used as a work around to avoid fees. Offer to cover the buyer’s fees to send the money via “Goods & Services”.

Tips To Avoid Losing Your Money:

  • NEVER SEND A CODE. There is no online payment method that will send a code that you have to give to the seller. Never, ever, ever. This is NOT a thing. If your seller says they need a code from you, block and move on.
  • Buying online or paying deposits in advance are commonplace these days. Always use methods of payments that have a money back guarantee! PayPal Goods & Services offers protection, PayPal Friends & Family does NOT. Many breeders try to encourage their buyers to use Friends & Family to avoid paying fees or to avoid the buyer scamming them. This is a disservice to their buyers. PayPal may withhold funds and offer the buyer a link saying they have received the “item” to release the funds. Never click this link before the animal is in your possession or placed in the care of a transport service. PayPal will release the funds to the buyer at some point without you doing anything, but if you click the link without having the animal you forfeit your option for recourse.
  • Many breeders will seem callous and indifferent. If they seem too eager to sell to you, proceed with caution. Breeders with experience are usually jaded by buyers! Most have had the experience of a buyer asking a million questions and them ghosting at the last minute. Answering questions immediately or quickly is usually a sign of a scam artist.
  • Run the images through Google Lens! If you are unsure, do a reverse image search on the images they are sending you through Google Lens. If the exact same image shows up somewhere else, ask for more photos of the same animal or a photo with proof. If the image doesn’t show up, it could still be stolen from a Facebook group.
  • Join groups for the animal you are looking for! This will put you in contact with real breeders. Look for people who are posting photos of their animals with commentary about them.
  • If the breeder has a website or Facebook page, be observant of their posts and photos. How long has the page been active? Is the deal too good to be true? Is their regular engagement from past buyers or fellow breeders? Real breeders usually post brags, multiple photos of a litter/clutch/brood as it grows, photos of their breeders, stories, etc. If it’s only photos of for sale animals right at selling age, this is a scam! Some red flags for a business page on social media: “[insert type of animal here] for sale” as the page name (instead of a farm/kennel/rabbitry/etc name), zero reviews, little to no followers or likes, if you find them on a group – check to see how long they have been a member, etc.

Buying animals online can be both exciting and rewarding but it does come with its risks – especially when it comes to scams. Do your research beforehand and pay attention to warning signs such as unusual payment options so that you can protect yourself from potential scammers looking to take advantage of unsuspecting buyers. By following these tips, you can hopefully enjoy a stress-free shopping experience while still avoiding any potential pitfalls along the way! Good luck out there!